How to Check Your TensorFlow Version in Python

TensorFlow is one of the most widely used machine learning frameworks, powering countless AI applications across various domains.

When working with TensorFlow, knowing which version you’re using is essential for compatibility with code examples, troubleshooting errors, and utilizing version-specific features.

This guide provides multiple methods to check your TensorFlow version across different installation types and environments. Whether you’re using pip, Anaconda, or building from source, you’ll find the appropriate command to identify your TensorFlow version quickly.

Why Version Checking Matters

Before diving into the methods, it’s worth understanding why checking your TensorFlow version is important:

  • Different TensorFlow versions have varying APIs and functionality
  • Code samples and tutorials often target specific versions
  • Some bugs are version-specific
  • TensorFlow 1.x and 2.x have significant differences in syntax and behavior
  • Compatibility with other libraries may depend on specific version ranges

Read: How to Install TensorFlow on Ubuntu 22.04

Method 1: Using Python Import Statement

The most direct way to check your TensorFlow version is through Python code.

For TensorFlow 2.x:

import tensorflow as tf


Alternatively, for TensorFlow 2.x you can use:

import tensorflow as tf


For TensorFlow 1.x (especially versions below 1.0):

import tensorflow as tf

print(tf.VERSION)  # Note: Deprecated in newer versions

This can be executed in a Python interpreter, script, or Jupyter notebook.

Method 2: Using Command Line One-Liners

If you prefer checking directly from your terminal or command prompt:

For Linux/macOS:

python -c ‘import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)’  # Python 2

python3 -c ‘import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)’  # Python 3

Read: Mastering Python Virtual Environments: A Comprehensive Guide to venv, pipenv, poetry, and More

For Windows:

python -c “import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)”  # Note the double quotes

Method 3: Using Package Managers

Different package managers provide commands to list installed packages along with their versions.

For pip:

pip show tensorflow

This provides comprehensive information about your TensorFlow installation:

  • Name: tensorflow
  • Version: 2.3.0
  • Summary: TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
  • Home-page:
  • Author: Google Inc.
  • Author-email:
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages
  • Requires: astunparse, wheel, keras-preprocessing, gast, tensorflow-estimator, opt-einsum, tensorboard, protobuf, absl-py, six, wrapt, termcolor, numpy, grpcio, scipy, google-pasta, h5py
  • Required-by: fancyimpute

Alternatively, filter for TensorFlow:

pip list | grep tensorflow  # Linux/macOS

pip list | findstr tensorflow  # Windows

Read: How to install pip on Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04

For Anaconda:

If you installed TensorFlow through Anaconda:

conda list | grep tensorflow

Read: How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu 22.04

Method 4: In Jupyter Notebooks

When working in Jupyter notebooks, you have several options:

Option 1: Python Import

import tensorflow as tf


Option 2: Magic Commands

!pip show tensorflow


!pip list | grep tensorflow

Environment-Specific Methods

VirtualEnv Installation

After activating your virtual environment:

python -c ‘import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)’


pip list | grep tensorflow

Docker Containers

If you’re running TensorFlow in a Docker container, enter the container’s shell and use any of the methods above.

Troubleshooting Version Checking Issues

Module Has No Attribute ‘version’

If you encounter AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘__version__’, try:

  1. For older versions (below 0.10): Use tf.VERSION instead
  2. For TensorFlow 2.x: Use tf.version.VERSION
  3. Ensure your virtual environment is activated if you’re using one
  4. Check for potential package conflicts or incomplete installations

Segmentation Fault

If commands like help(tf) cause segmentation faults, you might have compatibility issues between TensorFlow and your hardware/drivers. Try checking the version with simpler commands like tf.__version__.

Handling Multiple TensorFlow Installations

In environments with both CPU and GPU versions installed, or multiple Python versions, be specific about which installation you want to check:

pip show tensorflow  # CPU version

pip show tensorflow-gpu  # GPU version

pip3 show tensorflow  # Python 3 version

Advanced Version Information

For more comprehensive details beyond just the version number:

import tensorflow as tf

help(tf)  # Shows extensive information about the TensorFlow module

Or to check specific components:

# Check TensorFlow and Keras versions together

import tensorflow as tf

import keras

print(f”TensorFlow version: {tf.__version__}”)

print(f”Keras version: {keras.__version__}”)

Understanding TensorFlow Version Naming

TensorFlow follows semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH):

  • MAJOR: Indicates incompatible API changes (e.g., TF 1.x vs. 2.x)
  • MINOR: Adds functionality in a backward-compatible manner
  • PATCH: Backward-compatible bug fixes


What’s the difference between tf.version and tf.version.VERSION?

Both provide the TensorFlow version number, but tf.version.VERSION was introduced in later TensorFlow versions as the more explicit, recommended approach. tf.__version__ works across most versions for backward compatibility.

How can I check if I have the GPU version installed?

import tensorflow as tf

print(“GPU available:”, tf.test.is_gpu_available())  # TF 1.x

print(“GPU available:”, len(tf.config.list_physical_devices(‘GPU’)) > 0)  # TF 2.x

Do I need to update my TensorFlow version?

Consider updating if:

  • You’re encountering bugs fixed in newer releases
  • You need features available only in newer versions
  • Security vulnerabilities have been patched
  • Your current version has reached end-of-life

How can I verify my TensorFlow installation is working correctly?

import tensorflow as tf

# Run a simple operation

a = tf.constant([1.0, 2.0])

b = tf.constant([3.0, 4.0])

print(tf.add(a, b))  # Should output tf.Tensor([4. 6.], shape=(2,), dtype=float32)

What if I’m using TensorFlow inside a framework like Keras?

If you’re using the TensorFlow implementation of Keras, you can still check both versions:

import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow import keras

print(f”TensorFlow: {tf.__version__}”)

print(f”Keras: {keras.__version__}”)

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Marianne elanotta

Marianne is a graduate in communication technologies and enjoys sharing the latest technological advances across various fields. Her programming skills include Java OO and Javascript, and she prefers working on open-source operating systems. In her free time, she enjoys playing chess and computer games with her two children.

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