How to increase traffic to your website

How do you get more readers for your blog? How can you increase your own reach? We all started small. Fortunately, there are still plenty of people who have just discovered blogging for themselves and are now wondering how they can get a little moreexposure and reach and get more traffic. In this article, we provide some recommendations …

Attractive and interesting : Before you market your website, readers should find something useful, something they won’t find anywhere else: original, attractive visuals, high quality content – no matter what you focus on, first create a good fundus so that it is a pleasure to browse your site.

Read: How to start a blog for beginners

Ebooks : Offer something out of the ordinary every now and then. A free e-book, a useful free-download tool, a call-in post. The main thing is that you create a small, extraordinary event that has what it takes to get around.

External links : Set links to other blogs and websites but also within your articles. Those who link to high-ranking articles in the search engine hit lists, are favored by Google. The backlinks also please the authors, who become aware of you in this way. Giving is often followed by receiving.

Guest Posts : Write guest posts for websites and blogs related to your topic. Only offer original articles, podcasts or videos. Nobody wants to reprint what has already appeared somewhere else. They also have to be original: the guest article is the litmus test of your competence.

In-page links : Internal links may not immediately generate more traffic. But it will help your readers find related articles on your site. This is classic reader service. You can also find another form at the end of this article: a list of reading recommendations. From experience we know: This is used.

Read: 7 Requirements to make your blog successful

Interviews: Ask renowned experts or well-known bloggers to give you an interview. The triple effect: you create original content; the celebrity of the interviewee creates interest; and if he’s a blogger, he might link to the piece, promoting you (and themselves). However, the effects are rarely immediate, but rather long-term – for example, if you build up a series of interviews.

Comments: Commenting on other blogs is a relatively simple way to attract attention and attract new readers. However, please only comment on the matter at hand and only make meaningful comments.

Link comments : Comments of the type -I-have-already-written-something-here-is-the-link- is an absolute no-go. This is obviously just about siphoning off traffic. At best, bloggers who know and appreciate each other are allowed to do this. If you’re a newbie, you’d be better off writing a substantive comment and linking your name to the relevant post on your site. It’s less intrusive and has the same effect: If that makes you curious, you’ll click over.

Personal: Ultimately, of course, it depends on who you write for and why. Both decide about your content. But if you intend to become more popular, you must offer your readers some benefit. Personal things may be interesting from time to time, but in the long run and exclusively this is of interest to friends at most. It is better to focus on a topic that you are very familiar with and bring in your personal experiences from time to time.

Writing – Yes, you read that right: Write – regularly. Nothing looks as dull as a website where the most recent post is two weeks old or older. The message: Nothing going on here…

Read: How to Write Content for Humans and Search Engines

Series: Don’t just write one article per topic. Develop the topic further, continue the story (and link previous parts), enrich it with new research results or make a series out of it. It is important that you have a so-called cliffhanger: there must be an arc of suspense that makes you want to read the second and third parts as well.

Connect – Wherever you have an account, whether on Facebook, Xing, Twitter, Linkedin or Instagram: link your website (also in the signature of your e-mail). These links not only generate so-called Google juice, but also attract those readers who may have been looking (and found) elsewhere for a different reason.

How to increase your reach

If you want to increase your reach, you should never confuse cause and effect. The majority of bloggers and site operators always ask themselves:

  • How can we increase our reach?
  • What SEO tricks are there to rank higher on Google?
  • How can we get more fans to like and share our posts more often?

In short: How do we become more famous and (indirectly) earn more money?

Almost no blogger or company asks:

  • How can we become more relevant?
  • What makes our content better?
  • What do people really want from us?

The majority is looking for quick success, is fixated on quick money and a lot of attention. Very few really have anything to tell, honest stories or their own messages that catch people’s attention because they are clever, original, inspiring, groundbreaking and new.

However, range and wealth are only the symptom – the consequence of ongoing relevance. Anyone who only hopes to satisfy their own need for fame and fortune degrades their audience to stirrups and means to an end.

Sooner or later this will be recognized. At least unconsciously. The other way around – If you want to increase your reach, you first have to ask yourself which needs of the target group(s) want to be satisfied. It takes a real will to provide service, help people to help themselves, true customer orientation – not just the made-up one.

Read: SEO predictions for 2022 and how you should prepare for them

The truth is, however, that it takes a lot of perseverance. And this message is uncomfortable. Social media managers and blog editors don’t like to hear them, after all they need quick success numbers internally. With the right budget and a few tricks, this is certainly doable. In the short term.

Or to put it another way: The trick is not to quickly get to number 1 on Google, but to stay there for a long time. And that can only be achieved through genuine rethinking.

Don’t get me wrong: there’s nothing wrong with optimizing content to increase reach (we do that too). But that’s just the second step. First, the post must be relevant in and of itself.

Or to put it another way:

  • In the long term, it’s not about reach, it’s about trust .
  • It’s not about your own content, but about content worth sharing.
  • It’s not about being great yourself, it’s about empowering others to be great.

That doesn’t happen overnight. To do this, you have to keep admonishing and reinventing yourself.


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Marianne elanotta

Marianne is a graduate in communication technologies and enjoys sharing the latest technological advances across various fields. Her programming skills include Java OO and Javascript, and she prefers working on open-source operating systems. In her free time, she enjoys playing chess and computer games with her two children.

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