How to Increase Import File Size Limit in PHPMyAdmin

PHPMyAdmin is one of the most widely used database management tools for MySQL and MariaDB databases. However, many administrators encounter a common limitation when trying to import large database files – the default 2MB file size restriction.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to overcoming this limitation across different server environments.

Understanding the File Size Limitations

When attempting to import a large SQL file into PHPMyAdmin, you might encounter an error or notice that the maximum upload size is limited to 2MB. This restriction is not inherent to PHPMyAdmin itself but is controlled by several PHP configuration parameters that affect file uploads.

The three primary PHP configuration parameters that control file upload size are:

  1. upload_max_filesize – The maximum size of an uploaded file
  2. post_max_size – The maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept
  3. memory_limit – The maximum amount of memory a PHP script may consume

For successful large file uploads, these parameters must follow a specific hierarchy of values:

memory_limit > post_max_size > upload_max_filesize

Read: 4 Ways to Find Large Files on Linux and Free Up Disk Space

How to Modify PHP Configuration Parameters

Solution for Apache with PHP Module

  1. Locate your PHP configuration file (php.ini). Common locations include:
    • Ubuntu/Debian: /etc/php/[version]/apache2/php.ini
    • CentOS: /etc/php.ini
    • XAMPP on Windows: C:\xampp\php\php.ini
    • WAMP on Windows: C:\wamp\bin\php\php[version]\php.ini
  2. Open the file with a text editor (use sudo or administrative privileges as needed)
  3. Find and modify the following parameters:
    # Increase to desired value (e.g., 128M)
    memory_limit = 128M
    # Set to a value larger than your database file but smaller than memory_limit
    post_max_size = 64M
    # Set to a value smaller than post_max_size
    upload_max_filesize = 32M
  4. Save the file and restart your web server:
    • Apache on Linux: sudo systemctl restart apache2 or sudo service apache2 restart
    • Apache on Windows: Restart through the XAMPP/WAMP control panel

Read: Troubleshooting Nginx ‘Address Already in Use ‘ Error

Solution for Nginx with PHP-FPM

  1. Locate and edit your PHP configuration file as above
  2. After making changes, restart PHP-FPM:
    sudo systemctl restart php7.4-fpm
    # Replace 7.4 with your PHP version
  3. Restart Nginx:
    sudo systemctl restart nginx

Solution for WAMP Server on Windows

WAMP users have an additional method through the PHPMyAdmin configuration file:

  1. Navigate to c:\wamp64\alias\phpmyadmin.conf (the path may vary based on your installation)
  2. Modify the following lines:
    php_admin_value upload_max_filesize 128M
    php_admin_value post_max_size 128M
  3. Restart the WAMP services

Solution for Shared Hosting (No Root Access)

If you don’t have access to the server’s configuration files, you can try these alternatives:

  1. Create or edit a .htaccess file in your web root directory and add:
    php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
    php_value post_max_size 64M
  2. For cPanel/WHM servers:
    • Log in to WHM
    • Navigate to “Server Configuration” > “Tweak Settings”
    • Select the PHP tab
    • Update “cPanel PHP max POST size” and “cPanel PHP max upload size”

Additional Parameters for Large File Imports

For very large database imports, you may also need to adjust time-related parameters:

# Increase execution time limit (in seconds)
max_execution_time = 300

# Increase input processing time (in seconds)
max_input_time = 300

Verifying Your Changes

After making changes, you can verify if they were applied correctly by:

  1. Creating a PHP file with the following content and accessing it through your web browser:
    <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  2. Look for the “Loaded Configuration File” line to ensure you modified the correct file
  3. Check if your new settings for upload_max_filesize, post_max_size, and memory_limit are displayed

Read: How To Solve phpMyAdmin Not Working on Ubuntu 22.04

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Modified php.ini But Limits Unchanged

If you’ve modified php.ini but still see the same limits in PHPMyAdmin:

  1. Wrong php.ini file: PHP might be using a different configuration file. Check using phpinfo() as described above.
  2. Multiple PHP installations: If you have multiple PHP versions installed, ensure you’re modifying the correct configuration file.
  3. Server not restarted: Ensure you’ve restarted your web server after making changes.
  4. Overrides in other files: Check for configuration overrides in:
    • Apache virtual host configurations
    • .user.ini files (for PHP-FPM)
    • .htaccess files

Server-Specific Solutions

Lighttpd with Zend Server CE

If you’re using Zend Server CE with Lighttpd (like in some VirtualBox setups), edit:


cPanel/WHM Servers

For cPanel servers, remember that PHP settings are managed through WHM in the “Tweak Settings” section rather than directly editing php.ini files.

Apache with mod_fcgid

If using Apache with mod_fcgid, you might need to add to /etc/apache2/mods-available/fcgid.conf:

FcgidMaxRequestLen 1073741824

How to Increase Import File Size Limit in PHPMyAdmin

Alternative Methods for Very Large Files

If you still struggle with importing large files, consider these alternatives:

Command Line Import

Use the MySQL command line to import large files:

# Navigate to the directory containing your SQL file
cd /path/to/your/sql/file

# Import the file
mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql

For WAMP users, you might need to specify the path to the MySQL executable:

C:\wamp64\bin\mysql\mysql5.7.31\bin\mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql

File Compression

Compress your SQL file before uploading:

  1. Compress your .sql file to or .sql.gz
  2. Use the compressed file for import in PHPMyAdmin

Read: 4 Benefits of Compressing Files and Folders Using Tar Backup in Linux OS

Using the UploadDir Option

Configure PHPMyAdmin to use a directory for file uploads:

  1. Edit your PHPMyAdmin configuration file (usually
  2. Add: $cfg['UploadDir'] = '/path/to/upload/directory';
  3. Place your SQL files in that directory
  4. They will appear in the import dropdown menu

Best Practices for File Upload Limits

While increasing file size limits can solve immediate problems, consider these best practices:

  1. Security Considerations: Setting excessively high limits can pose security risks, especially on production servers. Only increase limits to what’s necessary.
  2. Targeted Configuration: Instead of modifying global PHP settings, consider applying changes only to PHPMyAdmin’s virtual host or directory configuration.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Large database imports often indicate infrequent database backups. Consider implementing smaller, incremental backups.
  4. Resource Monitoring: Higher upload limits can strain server resources. Monitor memory and CPU usage during large imports.

Overcoming PHPMyAdmin Import Limitations


By understanding the interplay between PHP’s configuration parameters, you can effectively increase PHPMyAdmin’s import file size limits. Whether you’re working with a dedicated server, shared hosting, or a local development environment, one of these solutions should enable you to import larger database files successfully.

Remember to always maintain proper security practices and be mindful of server resource constraints when working with large file uploads.


Q: Why is PHPMyAdmin still showing a 2MB limit after I changed php.ini?

A: You might be editing the wrong php.ini file. Use phpinfo() to verify which configuration file PHP is actually using, then restart your web server after making changes.

Q: Do I need to restart my server after changing PHP settings?

A: Yes, most PHP configuration changes require a web server restart to take effect.

Q: What’s the maximum file size I should set?

A: This depends on your server resources. For most use cases, setting upload_max_filesize to 64MB-128MB is sufficient. Remember to follow the hierarchy: memory_limit > post_max_size > upload_max_filesize.

Q: Why am I getting a “Connection reset” error when uploading large files?

A: This could indicate that your server is running out of memory or that the execution time is too short. Try increasing memory_limit and max_execution_time.

Q: Is it safe to set very high values like 1000M for these parameters?

A: On development environments, high values are generally acceptable. On production servers, excessively high values can pose security risks and resource constraints. Use only what you need.

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Marianne elanotta

Marianne is a graduate in communication technologies and enjoys sharing the latest technological advances across various fields. Her programming skills include Java OO and Javascript, and she prefers working on open-source operating systems. In her free time, she enjoys playing chess and computer games with her two children.

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