How to reset a user password in Ubuntu

If you do not remember your user password, then you need to reset it. Follow the steps below in order to do so .

Step1 : Go to the restart option, just click shut down by pressing the shift key and click on restart.Hold it until you can see the recovery menu.

Read: Generating Secure Passwords on Linux: PWGen, Custom Scripts, and Other Tools

Step 2 : Move down and click on recovery mode as shown above (second entry).

Step 3 : Scroll all the way down to the last entry named root and press enter.

You should now see an output (a command line prompt) similar to the one below:


You should, at this stage, have a read-only filesystem. You will need to remount it by granting write permissions.

Step 4 : issue the command :

mount -o remount,rw /

Read: How to use sudo without having to enter a password in Ubuntu

Step 5 : Now you will be able to enter your new password. Retype it once again and hit enter :

root@ubuntu:~# passwd yournewpassword

Enter new UNIX password:

Retype new UNIX password:

passwd: password updated successfully

root@ubuntu:~#                         [ubuntu reset user password]

Reboot now your machine. You will be able to log in using your new password.

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ziad nahdy

Ziad Nahdy, fan of open source and programming languages. He is a technical writer, blogger and Linux enthusiast. He loves to read and help others with their problems. He is addicted to open source software but he also loves other technology related subjects.

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