How to Resolve Google Colab Disconnections: Techniques to Keep Notebook Sessions Active

Google Colaboratory (Colab) provides a powerful environment for running Python code, particularly for machine learning tasks. However, developers often encounter session disconnections, which can disrupt long-running processes.

Understanding the reasons for these timeouts and implementing strategies to maintain session activity is crucial for uninterrupted work.

This article explains the common causes of Colab disconnections and details several methods, derived from practical application, to help keep notebook sessions alive.

Understanding Google Colab Timeouts

Colab enforces session time limits to manage resource allocation. Two primary types of timeouts cause disconnections:

  • Idle Timeout: If a notebook shows no user interaction for approximately 90 minutes, the session may be automatically terminated.
  • Absolute Timeout: Colab instances have a maximum lifespan, typically around 12 hours, after which they are terminated regardless of activity.

The idle timeout is the most frequent cause of unexpected disconnections during tasks that require significant computation time without direct user input, such as training machine learning models.

Strategies to Prevent Idle Disconnections

Several techniques can simulate user activity or interact with the Colab interface programmatically to prevent the idle timeout. These methods range from simple browser console commands to more complex local automation scripts.

Method 1: Browser Console JavaScript Snippets

A common approach involves executing JavaScript code directly in the browser’s developer console (accessible via Ctrl+Shift+I or Option+Command+I on Mac). These snippets typically simulate clicks on elements within the Colab interface at regular intervals.

Simulating Clicks on the Connect/Resource Button

The primary target for these scripts is often the button indicating connection status or resource usage (RAM/Disk). However, the specific HTML structure and element IDs/selectors for this button can change over time due to Colab updates. This requires adapting the scripts accordingly.

Early versions targeted simpler selectors:

// Potentially outdated - simple ID selector
function ClickConnect(){
  console.log("Connect pushed");
setInterval(ConnectButton, 60000); // Click every 60 seconds

As the interface evolved, more specific selectors, including those navigating the Shadow DOM, became necessary:

// Selector targeting structure involving shadowRoot (common in later versions)
function ClickConnect(){
  console.log("Connect Clicked - Start");
  document.querySelector("#top-toolbar > colab-connect-button").shadowRoot.querySelector("#connect").click();
  console.log("Connect Clicked - End");
setInterval(ClickConnect, 60000);

Another variation targeting the connect button element structure:

// Alternative selector structure (July 2023 example)
function ConnectButton() {
    console.log("trying to click connect button");
    let colabConnectButton = document.querySelector("colab-connect-button");
    if (colabConnectButton && colabConnectButton.shadowRoot) {
        let actualButton = colabConnectButton.shadowRoot.querySelector("colab-toolbar-button#connect");
        if (actualButton) {
            console.log("connect button clicked");
        } else {
            console.log("button element not found within shadowRoot");
    } else {
        console.log("colab-connect-button element or its shadowRoot not found");
setInterval(ConnectButton, 60000);

Note: If a script fails with an error like Cannot read property 'click' of null, the selector is likely outdated. Use the browser’s developer tools (“Inspect Element”) to find the current correct path or ID for the target button.

Simulating Clicks on Alternative UI Elements

Clicking the main connect button sometimes triggers unwanted pop-up dialogs (like “Manage sessions”). As a workaround, scripts can target other UI elements that register as activity:

  • Comments Button:
    function ClickComments(){
        console.log("Clicking Comments button");
        document.querySelector("#comments > span").click();
    setInterval(ClickComments, 60000); // Interval can be adjusted
  • File Explorer Refresh Button: (Requires the file pane to be open)
    function ClickRefresh(){
      console.log("Clicking folder refresh");
    setInterval(ClickRefresh, 60000);
  • Star (Bookmark) Icon:
    function ClickStar(){
        console.log("Clicking star icon");
        // Note: Selector might change, verify with inspect element
    setInterval(ClickStar, 60000);

Handling Dialogs and Stopping Scripts

Some scripts incorporate attempts to automatically dismiss pop-up dialogs or provide a way to stop the interval timer:

// Example with stop functionality
var startClickConnect = function startClickConnect(){
    var clickConnect = function clickConnect(){
        console.log("Connect Clicked - Start");
        try {
            document.querySelector("#top-toolbar > colab-connect-button").shadowRoot.querySelector("#connect").click();
            console.log("Connect Clicked - End");
        } catch (e) {
            console.error("Failed to click connect button:", e);
    var intervalId = setInterval(clickConnect, 60000);
    console.log("Interval started with ID:", intervalId);

    // Function to stop the interval
    var stopClickConnectHandler = function stopClickConnect() {
        console.log("Stopping connect interval:", intervalId);
        console.log("Connect Clicked Stopped");
    return stopClickConnectHandler; // Return the stop function

// Start the process and store the stop function
var stopClickConnect = startClickConnect();

// To stop it later, execute this in the console:
// stopClickConnect();

// Example attempting to dismiss the "Runtime disconnected" dialog
function ColabReconnect() {
    try {
        var dialog = document.querySelector("colab-dialog.yes-no-dialog");
        // Check if the dialog exists and has the specific title
        if (dialog && dialog.querySelector("div.content-area>h2")?.innerText == "Runtime disconnected") {
            console.log("Reconnecting dialog clicked...");
        } else {
            // Optional: log that the check ran but no dialog was found
            // console.log("ColabReconnect check: No 'Runtime disconnected' dialog found.");
    } catch (e) {
        console.error("Error in ColabReconnect:", e);
setInterval(ColabReconnect, 60000); // Check every minute

Method 2: Local Python Automation Scripts

Instead of running JavaScript in the browser, Python scripts executed on your local machine can control the browser or simulate input.

Read: Repeat Linux Commands Every X Seconds for Real-Time Monitoring, Automation & Precise Scheduling

Using `pynput` for Mouse Simulation

This technique uses the `pynput` library to programmatically click the mouse cursor at its current position. You run the script locally and position the cursor over an element within the Colab notebook window (e.g., an empty cell or a specific button).

First, install the library:

pip install pynput

Then, run a Python script like this:

from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller
import time
import sys # Import sys for exception handling

mouse = Controller()

print("Starting mouse click simulation. Press Ctrl+C to stop.")
    while True:, 1)
        print('Simulated click')
        time.sleep(30) # Click every 30 seconds
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("\nSimulation stopped by user.")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"\nAn error occurred: {e}")
    sys.exit(1) # Exit if there's an error, e.g., permission issue

Note: This requires your local machine to be running, the browser window with Colab to be accessible, and the script may need appropriate permissions to control input devices.

Read: How to install pip on Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04

Using `Selenium` for Browser Control

Selenium is a powerful browser automation tool. A Python script using Selenium can launch a browser, navigate to the Colab notebook, and interact with elements like the connect button.

from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, WebDriverException
import time

# Setup: Ensure you have the correct WebDriver installed and path configured
# Example using Chrome WebDriver
    driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Or specify path: webdriver.Chrome('/path/to/chromedriver')
except WebDriverException as e:
    print(f"WebDriver setup error: {e}")
    print("Ensure WebDriver is installed and in your PATH or specified correctly.")

notebook_url = 'YOUR_COLAB_NOTEBOOK_URL_HERE' # Replace with your notebook URL

print("Notebook loaded. You may need to log in manually if required.")
# Add a pause for manual login if necessary
# time.sleep(60)

# Optional: Run all cells automatically
# try:
#     body = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'body')
#     body.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + Keys.F9) # Or Keys.COMMAND + Keys.F9 on Mac
#     print("Attempted to 'Run All' cells.")
#     time.sleep(10) # Wait for execution to start
# except NoSuchElementException:
#     print("Could not find body element to send 'Run All' keys.")

max_duration_seconds = 11 * 60 * 60 # Slightly less than 12 hours
start_time = time.time()

print("Starting keep-alive loop...")
while (time.time() - start_time) < max_duration_seconds: try: # Use ActionChains to ensure the element is interactable and focus is correct actions = ActionChains(driver) # Try clicking a known element periodically, like the main content area or connect button # Targeting the connect button via its common structure (may need adjustment) connect_button_container = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#top-toolbar > colab-connect-button')
        # Selenium cannot directly interact with shadow DOM easily in standard ways.
        # A more robust Selenium approach might involve executing JavaScript:
            print(f"Clicked connect button via JS execution at {time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}")
        except Exception as js_error:
             print(f"Failed to click connect button via JS: {js_error}. Trying alternative interaction.")
             # Fallback: Click somewhere innocuous like the body to simulate activity
             actions.send_keys(Keys.ESCAPE).perform() # Dismiss any potential pop-ups
             print(f"Sent ESCAPE key at {time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}")

    except NoSuchElementException:
        print("Connect button structure not found. Sending ESCAPE key as fallback.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred during keep-alive: {e}")

    time.sleep(60) # Check/Click every 60 seconds

print("Maximum duration reached or loop exited.")
# Optional: Close the browser window
# driver.quit()


Note: This requires installing Selenium (`pip install selenium`) and the appropriate WebDriver for your browser. It’s more complex to set up but offers more control over browser actions.

Method 3: Other Approaches

  • Browser Extensions: Extensions exist (e.g., Page-Manipulator mentioned in the thread) that can automatically inject and run custom JavaScript snippets on specific websites like Colab, simplifying the process of applying the console scripts.
  • Specialized Environments: Tools like “GNU Colab” aim to provide a persistent desktop environment layer over Colab, potentially including built-in mechanisms to prevent idle timeouts.
  • Behavioral Adjustments: Some observations suggest that minimizing browser interactions (like switching tabs, opening/closing other pages) while a long Colab task is running might reduce the likelihood of disconnection, although this is less reliable than programmatic methods.
  • Physical/Macro Methods: While less automated, using physical devices (like an Arduino emulating a keyboard/mouse) or macro software to periodically send input to the browser window remains a possibility, though generally less practical than software solutions.

Important Considerations and Challenges

  • CAPTCHA Challenges: Google may present CAPTCHA (“Are you a robot?”) prompts, especially after prolonged automated interaction. Most of these methods cannot automatically solve CAPTCHAs, which will eventually lead to disconnection if not manually addressed.
  • UI Updates & Selector Changes: Colab’s interface is updated periodically. This frequently breaks JavaScript selectors used in console snippets or Selenium scripts. Regular verification and updates to the selectors are often necessary. Checking the browser console for errors is essential.
  • Side Effects: Some scripts, especially if using incorrect selectors, might cause unintended behavior like creating new code cells or repeatedly opening/closing dialog boxes. Target elements carefully.
  • Absolute Timeout Limit: These methods primarily address the idle timeout. They generally cannot bypass the absolute maximum runtime limit (e.g., 12 hours).
  • Resource Usage: While these techniques help maintain sessions, they don’t increase the inherent resource limits (CPU, GPU, RAM) provided by Colab.


Google Colab disconnections due to idle timeouts can be a significant hurdle for long-running computations. By employing techniques such as browser console JavaScript snippets to simulate clicks or using local Python scripts with libraries like `pynput` or `Selenium`, it’s often possible to maintain session activity and prevent premature termination.

However, due to factors like UI updates and the introduction of CAPTCHAs, these methods require ongoing vigilance and occasional adjustments. Always monitor your Colab sessions and be prepared to adapt your approach as the platform evolves.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I stop the JavaScript interval scripts running in the console?
If the script was stored in a variable (e.g., `intervalId = setInterval(…)` or returned by a setup function), you can usually stop it by executing `clearInterval(intervalId);` in the same console tab. If you didn’t store the ID, reloading the browser tab will stop the script.
My JavaScript snippet gives a `Cannot read property ‘click’ of null` error. Why?
This almost always means the JavaScript selector (e.g., `#connect`, `colab-connect-button`) used in the script no longer matches an element on the page because Google updated the Colab interface. You need to use your browser’s developer tools (“Inspect Element”) to find the new, correct selector for the button or element you intend to click and update the script.
Do these methods bypass the 12-hour maximum runtime limit?
No. These techniques are primarily designed to prevent the 90-minute idle timeout by simulating activity. They do not extend the absolute maximum session duration set by Google Colab (typically around 12 hours).
What about the “Are you a robot?” CAPTCHA pop-ups?
The CAPTCHA prompts are a significant challenge. The methods described here generally cannot automatically solve CAPTCHAs. If a CAPTCHA appears, manual intervention is required to keep the session alive; otherwise, it will likely disconnect despite these scripts running.
Why does a script keep opening the ‘Manage Sessions’ window or creating new cells?
This usually happens when the JavaScript selector targets the wrong element, or an element whose default click action triggers that behavior. Refining the selector to be more specific or choosing an alternative element to click (like the refresh icon or comments button) might resolve this.


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