6 Quick Tips for Lowering App Development Costs

When it comes to app development, there are always costs associated with creating a new application. From software licenses and developer tools to web hosting and marketplace fees, the cost of developing an app can quickly become prohibitive for some businesses.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to reduce your costs, which is exactly what we’ll share in this article. By following these tips, you can ensure that your app development budget stays within reach and that you get the most out of each penny you spend.

Let’s dive in!

Use open-source software whenever possible

If you’re looking to build an app without spending a lot of money, consider using open-source platforms such as GitHub or CodePlex. These platforms offer free membership and plenty of resources to help you develop your app quickly and easily.

There are also plenty of free tools available online that can help you speed up your app development process. For example, Codeship offers a semi-automatic CI/CD tool that makes it easy to deploy your apps online. GitLab also offers free community edition options that allow you to create and manage your own apps without needing any technical expertise.

Read: A Comprehensive Guide To Building Internal Tools With No/Low-Code

Use low-cost coding platforms

There are many low-cost coding platforms available that are perfect for smaller projects such as organization-based apps. A couple of popular ones include Microsoft Powerapps and Appcelerator Titanium.

Both platforms offer free trials so you can test out whether they’re right for your project before investing any money. They are also pretty affordable if you decide to go ahead with them. As an example, check out this Powerapps licensing information to learn more about how much you’ll pay to use the platform.

Manage project goals and timelines carefully

Before starting your app development project, define its specific goals and also set the specific dates by which they must be met. This way, everyone involved knows what is expected of them and when they need to be working on particular elements.

While at it, try to stick to deadlines as much as possible, even if this means pushing back some aspects of the project in order to do so. Unanticipated delays can have harmful effects on both the timeline and quality of the final product.

Read: How to Make a Windows App: a brief guide

Use freelancers or remote contractors

This is a hugely cost-effective route to take since you don’t have to pay overhead costs such as office space and staff. Plus, you can get creative with your hiring practices given that there’s no need for meetings in person.

There are a number of platforms and agencies that offer freelancers and remote contractors, such as UpWork and Fiverr.

Turn to crowdfunding platforms for funding

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo are a great way to help offset the cost of development and also secure funding for additional features and enhancements.

Both platforms allow creators to set a fundraising goal, identify who their audience is, and create a compelling project page. Once a project is launched, backers can donate money towards its completion.

These platforms also offer tracking features so creators know how much money they’ve raised and when their project has reached its final goal.

The key to using them successfully is creating an engaging project. For example, your creator profile should be full of assets that potential backers could appreciate, such as images, videos, or even written descriptions. Project pages should also be easy to navigate and feature clear rules about how donations are spent.

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Cut back on features

When creating an app, it can be tempting to include as many features as possible. However, this can end up costing more in the long run.

To keep costs low, consider doing away with all unnecessary features. For example, if your app doesn’t need GPS tracking, omit the feature entirely.

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Another approach is to trim down functionality. For example, instead of including a full database management system (DBMS), you can use a lightweight DBMS that offers fewer features but is easier to develop and maintain.

You should also minimize the use of third-party services and plugins. While these can help add supplemental features to an app, they can also require additional fees and maintenance time.

Whenever possible, limit the number of external components used in a project so that fewer barriers exist for updates and support needs arise down the road.

Finally, think about how much data your app needs to function. If it only needs a small amount of data, you can reduce the size of the data model or eliminate certain types of data altogether. This will also save you development time and money.

Read: 7 Tips to create a database for beginners


If you’re like most businesses, you want to build the best possible product without breaking the bank. Armed with these tips, you can significantly reduce the amount of money you need to spend on app development. Good luck!


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