How to disable user accounts and enhance password authentication in Ubuntu
Instead of deleting a user account in Ubuntu , it is possible to manually disable it (lock it) or unlock it.
Instead of deleting a user account in Ubuntu , it is possible to manually disable it (lock it) or unlock it.
You have started your Ubuntu system and suddenly a black screen like the snapshot below appeared ? (more…)
In this quick tutorial, you will learn how to completely remove Apache2 on Ubuntu 20.04 and similar distributions. (more…)
In this short tutorial you will learn how to install the latest Google Chrome browser and how to keep it updated on Ubuntu 20.04 through the official Google repository. (more…)
Sometimes, when you try to install a program or a package from its source code, you might end up getting an error which looks like : (more…)
In you are running Ubuntu on a Virtualbox and you would like to use some features such as folder sharing, mouse pointer integration and clipboard access(for copy and paste), you would (more…)
If you are an Android user, you should know that it is possible to keep a safe backup of your Android device on your computer using a utility called ADB . (more…)
Glances, is a command-line utility, written in Python , used to monitor the CPU, average load, memory, network interfaces, I / O disk, processor and system of files. (more…)
For those who spend most of their time on the terminal, it may help to change the look and feel of the console in a way that makes them feel at ease. Among the many customizations, users have (more…)
In order to clean a log file, some users simply delete the old file and create a new log file. There are however many ways to remove the content of the log file without having to open it. Make sure (more…)