How to install Snap pack support on Linux

Snappy aka Snap, is a next generation revolutionary technology that is used to build and install desktop apps on Linux. Snappy, which is originally a package management system and a deployment software, was built by Canonical. Snaps are independent, easy to use, software packages that are simple to install and create. They can auto update themselves and are safe to use and run. Snapd is the tool that enables you to use the packages. Currently, it works on several Linux distributions and therefore allows software to be deployed independently of distribution.

Read: Mastering Linux Repository Updates: The Essential Guide for Secure and Optimized Package Management

Get to know Snap Linux

To learn more about this technology, visit the resource page .

To see a list of applications supported by this technology, visit this link .

How to Install Snap Pack Support on Linux

To install support for Snap packages on Linux in case your distro does not yet support Snap, you will need to follow one of the procedures below depending on your Distro.

How to Install Support for Snap Packs on Gentoo and Derivatives

To install support for Snap packs on Gentoo and derivatives, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal, preferably as an administrator (root):

Step 2. Add the Snapd repository with the following command:

echo -e ‘[gentoo-snappy]\n location = /usr/local/portage/gentoo-snappy\n sync-type = git\n sync-uri =\n priority = 50\n auto-sync = yes \n Categories=Application’ | sudo tee /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo-snappy.conf

Step 3. Then, run the command below to activate the repository:

emaint sync –repo gentoo-snappy

Step 4. Install Snapd with the following command:

emerge -av app-emulation/snapd

Step 5. Use the command below to activate Snapd:

systemctl enable –now snapd.service

Read: Best Linux distributions for beginners

How to install Snap pack support on Arch Linux, Manjaro and derivatives

To install support for Snap packages on Arch Linux, Manjaro and derivatives, you will need to use yaourt.

Proceed as follows:

Step 1. Open a terminal, preferably as an administrator (root).

Step 2. Install Snapd with the following command:

yaourt -S snapd

Once installed, the systemd unit that is responsible for managing the primary communication socket for snapd will not be activated automatically and you must do this manually:

sudo systemctl enable –now snapd.socket

Finally, restart your computer for the post-installation changes to take effect.

Read: How to Install ffmpeg on Ubuntu 22.04

How to install support for Snap packages on Debian, Raspbian and derivatives

To install support for Snap packages on Debian, Raspbian and derivatives, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal, preferably as an administrator (root).

Step 2. Run the following command :

apt install snapd


sudo apt install snapd        [install snap debian command]

Read: How to remove broken packages in Ubuntu

How to install support for Snap packages on Linux Fedora and derivatives

To install support for Snap packages on Fedora and derivatives, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal, preferably as an administrator (root).

Step 2. Execute the following command:

dnf install snapd


sudo dnf install snapd

Read: How to Resolve the “Install-snap Change in Progress  Error on Ubuntu

How to Install Snap Pack Support on Ubuntu, Mint and Derivatives

To install support for Snap packs on Ubuntu, Mint and derivatives, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal.

Step 2. Invoke the following command:

sudo apt-get install snapd          [install snap Ubuntu Command, snap Linux Mint command]

How to install support for Snap packages on openSUSE and derivatives

To install support for Snap packages on Linux openSUSE and derivatives, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal.

Step 2. If you are using openSUSE 15, add the Snapd repository with the following command;

sudo zypper addrepo snappy

Step 3. If you are using openSUSE 42.2, add the Snapd repository with the following command;

sudo zypper addrepo snappy

Step 4. If you are using openSUSE 42.3, add the Snapd repository with the following command;

sudo zypper addrepo snappy

Step 5. If you are using Tumbleweed, add the Snapd repository with the following command;

sudo zypper addrepo snappy

Step 6. Now install snapd with the command below:

sudo zypper install snapd

Step 7. Once the snapd package has been installed successfully, you must enable the systemd unit that cares about the main communication socket for snapd, as this is not yet done automatically:

sudo systemctl enable –now snapd.socket

Read: How to speed up Linux 

Installing Snap Pack Support on Solus and Derivatives

To install support for Snap packs on Solus and derivatives, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal.

Step 2. Install with the following command;

sudo eopkg up

sudo eopkg install snapd

Then, reboot the system to ensure that AppArmor and snapd are initialized.

How to use Snap on Linux

With Snap support installed in your distribution, you can now install your favorite applications.

For this, there are several commands, but the simplest way to install is to indicate the reference file url, provided by the desired application, .e.g. :

sudo snap install gimp

In the example above, GIMP was installed. In the link below, you will find several applications that can be installed on Linux via Snap.

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Marianne elanotta

Marianne is a graduate in communication technologies and enjoys sharing the latest technological advances across various fields. Her programming skills include Java OO and Javascript, and she prefers working on open-source operating systems. In her free time, she enjoys playing chess and computer games with her two children.

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