Best free Word alternatives

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Word is the most widely used word processor in the world. Unfortunately you would need to pay  in order to use it. The good news is that there are many free alternatives to Word. In this article (more…)

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Fdisk usage on Linux

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Fdisk is used to manipulate the disk partitions and its types like GPT, MBR, Sun, SGI, and BSD partitions. Fdisk is available as part of the Linux utils commands .We will be exploring some of the many usages of Fdisk, Ubuntu partition manager, in this article. (more…)

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How to Install Java on Ubuntu

Nowadays Java and JVM is used by many applications and softwares in various operating systems including Ubuntu based distros. Java is without a doubt, one of the first few packages you will want to install on a new (more…)

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What are DoS and DDoS attacks?

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The DoS ( Denial Of Service ) attack, also known as denial of service attack, is an attempt to cause an overload on a common server or computer so that system resources are unavailable to (more…)

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