Why Every Student Should Care About Online Privacy

It’s no secret that we live in a time when people share everything, and students are no different. We’ve grown up in an age of social media and the internet, posting everything from our thoughts to what we had for lunch on Facebook, Instagram,Snapchat and more.

College students are often glued to their laptops, reading articles, watching videos, and going through social media posts. Sometimes they don’t think twice about posting personal information that can put them at risk for identity theft, having their posts taken out of context, or spammed with harassing messages. Take a look at this article to find out what risks you might be taking when you click “post” online.

Why Online Privacy Matters

Online privacy is important to protect your physical safety, as well as your financial security. When the internet was first invented, it was lauded as a revolutionary new way to communicate and share information. But over the years, internet privacy has become an increasingly important topic that everyone needs to be aware of.

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The internet is a convenient and profitable tool for students to use in their education, but it also comes with hidden costs. Online privacy is an essential part of everyone’s life, and every person should be concerned about its importance. Many schools now provide free Wi-Fi connections that students can take advantage of when they are at school. However, this convenience comes with its own dangers because the information they share while connected could be used against them by their teachers or other people online.

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The Dangers of Giving Your Data to Third-Party Apps

People are increasingly using third-party apps to share their personal information. This is cause for alarm because it’s so easy to give away personal data online. If you don’t want to leave your privacy at the door, there are some things that you can do to protect yourself.  

Most of us carry a lot of data with us – our photo album, bank statements and social media profiles just to name a few. But we also give away information that may not be so apparent to the everyday person – our location, purchase history, email address, etc. 

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And though some companies provide privacy guarantees on apps they create, there are still significant risks in giving any personal information to third-party apps. It is important to think about how your data may be used by these third-parties and the consequences if they misused it.


How To Keep Your Online Identity Safe

Online privacy is a big concern for many, but it doesn’t have to be. There are several easy ways to protect your identity on the internet. One way is to use search engines that don’t track your past searches or pages visited. A private browser is another solid option – you can download one of these browsers from their respective websites. And for those who wish to give their information some extra protection, using VPNs while browsing will do just that.

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There are many ways to avoid identity theft like not giving out personal information, using secure browsing on your phone or computer, not publicizing any personal information online, using a password manager to create strong passwords, installing browser extensions like HTTPS Everywhere, and enabling two-factor authentication on all of your accounts. Make sure you implement such strategies in case you’re planning to ask for writing help. When there is a need to buy assignments to improve your grades, it is important to choose a service with verified academic writers and which can guarantee data security. Never forget!

Adjust Your Privacy Settings on Social Media

As new technologies continue to emerge, people are becoming more and more concerned about the privacy of their personal data. Social media platforms have made it easier to connect with friends and family but also provide a large platform for people to share a large amount of information that can be used against them. To ensure that your online privacy remains intact, you should adjust your account settings so that only approved people can view your posts and pictures.

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Wrapping Up

Knowing what you’re able to do to keep your information and identity private is critical. With internet security threats as scary as ever, and with laws against storing personal data becoming more strict, it’s important for every person to take at least a little bit of responsibility for their own privacy.

Author Bio:

Kaitlyn Butler is a content creator and blog article specialist. She works for a big tech company and volunteers as a digital marketer. In her free time, Kaitlyn likes to organize dance competitions.


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Kaitlyn Butler

Kaitlyn Butler writes for a leading essay writing agency where she has a reputation for delivering plagiarism-free and in quick time. Her work is always deep-researched, well-written and run through grammar tools before it is delivered to students. Her free time is for learning clay art, doing pencil sketching and playing PC games.

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