Understanding Continuous Data Protection (CDP) & Near-CDP Solutions

Data is one of the most important assets in an organization. Technology advancements have made it easy for them (organizations) to analyze big data and use it to advance their operations and growth.

However, as much as data is important, organizations need to ensure that they are storing and keeping backups of their data effectively. This is where Continuous Data Protection (CDP) and near-CDP solutions come in.

The backup technique used by an organization is dictated by things like how the data is used and an organization’s operations. Unfortunately, not all organizations understand these techniques.

Here is what you need to know about CDP and near-CDP solutions.

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Introduction to Continuous Data Protection

Also referred to as real-time backup or continuous backup, Continuous Data Protection can be defined as a system that allows data backup on a server every single time there is a change in the data.

CDP keeps a journal of continuous data changes, making it possible for organizations to restore their systems to any previous state without any problems. This plays an essential role in solving the issue with the backup window.

A backup window is a time between two scheduled backups when organizations can lose any changes made to their data. CDP is also essential when it comes to protection against ransomware and malware as well as accidental or intentional data deletion.

Types of CDP

There are two types of CDP. They include CDP (also known as True-CDP) and Near-CDP.

  • True-CDP: In a true-CDP solution, data is backed up every single time there is a change in the data. Organizations can restore their systems to any state that they want with a true-CDP solution.
  • Near-CDP: A near-CDP solution allows organizations to regularly back up their data. This means that they schedule their backups frequently. Even though not a true CDP, this solution is close to the same solution offered by true-CDP.

How Continuous Data Protection Works

CDP solutions keep track of and copy every single change made to your data from the source to backup servers. They record each write made to your data and then keep it in a server’s changelog.

This explains the reason why they need a fast disk drive such as the Resilio real-time server backup. All changes are kept on the server until a failure happens. It is at this point that organizations can restore their systems to the last state before a failure happens. You can back up databases, application files and data, and files in your computer.

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How Near-CDP Solutions Work

Near-CDP solutions do not copy every single change that you make to your data. Instead, they are backup solutions that copy your data from the source to backup servers at certain intervals.

For instance, you might keep working on your systems throughout the day. You then schedule backups to take place once or twice every day. That is a near-CDP solution. In case of failures, you will be able to restore your systems to the last backup, meaning that you might lose changes made during the day – backup window.

Why Should You Use Continuous Data Protection Solutions?

CDP solutions play an essential role when it comes to the security of data in an organization. This does not mean that it does not have its share of challenges.

Here are a few reasons you need to use CDP solutions;

Version Control

CDP solutions allow organizations to store different versions of their files and data. This is important when they want to roll their systems back into any previous version. Version control is used by creators and developers.

Disaster Recovery

CDP plays an important role when helping organizations recover from disasters. For instance, organizations can replicate data at certain intervals to prepare for any future disasters.

Read: How to Recover Deleted or Corrupted Files on Linux with These 14 Amazing Tools

Data Transaction Recording

CDP solutions keep a record of every change that is made to your data. This helps organizations with compliance and auditing in case of incidents that affect their security.

Easy Roll-Back

Organizations can record every single write and keep it in a data log with CDP solutions. This makes it easy for them to roll back to any state at any time, especially when disaster strikes.

Get Started Today

CDP solutions are important for organizations that want to track all changes made to their data. They also play a role in helping organizations recover from disasters. However, you need to be prepared before implementing these solutions. You need a good and fast disk drive as well as a secure and fast connection to avoid interference with data transfer.


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