What are DNS record types

The domain name system, abbreviated as DNS, is a global infrastructure responsible for translating human-readable hostnames into corresponding Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

Essentially, when you intend to visit a website, such as net2.com, the domain name must be linked to a valid IP address.

Human-readable hostnames are strings of words designed for easy recall. In contrast, IP addresses (IPV4) consist of numerical sequences separated by dots, making them less intuitive. In the example of net2.com, “net2.com” is the human-readable hostname, while “,” for instance, represents the current IP address associated with it. It’s important to note that the IP address linked to a domain name may change, particularly depending on the hosting server of the website.

The domain name system comprises various components, with DNS record types being a vital element. DNS resolvers are responsible for the practical task of determining the correct IP address corresponding to a given hostname. In this discussion, we’ll explore different DNS record types and provide examples illustrating the functionality of each record type.

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What are DNS record types ?

DNS record types are essential components containing crucial details about a hostname or domain, such as the existing IP address. These records are stored in text files, known as zone files, residing on the authoritative DNS server. The information within a DNS record file file consists of strings with specific commands comprehensible to the DNS server.

DNS record types

Below are the five main types of DNS records:

  • A record
  • AAAA record
  • CNAME record
  • Nameserver (NS) record
  • Mail exchange (MX) record

The purpose of each of the aforementioned types differs. Let’s delve into more details about each DNS record type.

1. A record

The A record is like an address book in the domain name system (DNS). The “A” stands for “address.” When you check an A record for a domain, it tells you the IP address associated with that domain. For instance, if you look up the DNS record for example.com, it will show you the specific IP address related to it:

In the screenshot provided, the existing IP address is The A record is limited to IPV4 addresses. In the upcoming sections, we’ll explore how to link a domain to an IPV6 address using a different DNS record type.

Use of A record

The primary purpose of the A record is to facilitate IP address lookup. Through an A record, a web browser can retrieve the IP address associated with a domain, allowing us to load websites on the internet without the need to know their specific IP addresses.

Additionally, the A record finds application in the Blackhole List (DNSBL) in the Domain Name System. In this context, the A record is utilized to prevent emails from known spam sources.

2. AAAA record

The AAAA record, similar to the A record, directs to the IP address of a domain. However, this DNS record type differs in that it points to IPV6 addresses.

IPV6 represents an advancement over IPV4, providing more IP addresses. Consequently, IPV6 addresses the problem of exhausting unique IP addresses. An IPV6 address appears in a format similar to the following:


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Use of AAAA record

Leveraging the AAAA record for DNS resolution holds significant promise as it utilizes IPV6, an enhancement over IPV4. Additionally, with the continuous expansion of the internet and the depletion of IPV4 addresses, the prospects for AAAA records are substantial.

AAAA records are employed to translate a domain name into the newer IPV6 protocol address.

3. CNAME record

A CNAME record, which stands for “canonical name,” is a special kind of guide in the world of DNS. Unlike other records, it doesn’t deal with IP addresses; instead, it helps an alias (a domain name) find its way to another domain called the canonical name. Picture it like this: if you have a subdomain like ft.net2.com, you can smoothly direct it to net2.com using a CNAME. And, of course, net2.com knows its real home through an A record, which specifies the IP address.

Use of CNAME Records

CNAME records become superheroes when you’re dealing with multiple subdomains that do different jobs on the same server. Let’s say you have ftp.net2.com handling file transfers and www.net2.com serving web pages. With a CNAME record, both these subdomains effortlessly connect back to example.com. At the same time, the main player, net2.com, links up with the server’s IP address using an A record.

A little tip: While you technically can point a CNAME to another CNAME, it’s not the most efficient move. It might lead to slower loading times and an overall less smooth experience for users.

4. NS record

In the realm of domain management, a Nameserver (NS) record takes the stage, revealing the mastermind behind the authoritative DNS server for a domain. In simpler terms, this record acts as a guide, directing internet applications—think web browsers—to the specific IP address associated with a domain name. Typically, a domain boasts not one, but multiple nameservers, like the dynamic duo of ns1.yourhostingprovider.com and ns2.yourhostingprovider.com.

Use of NS record

When you dive into the world of web hosting by purchasing a service or establishing a basic website, you’ll likely find yourself staring at an email brimming with nameserver details. These nameservers, acting as the digital architects, perform a straightforward yet crucial task: linking your chosen domain name to the real powerhouse, the server where your website is hosted. Think of them as the translators of the online realm, ensuring that when someone enters your web address, the correct server responds.

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Moreover, these nameservers carry additional responsibilities. Inside their digital toolkit, you’ll discover various DNS records—like the essential A record and MX record—of your domain. These records play distinct roles, such as mapping your domain to an IP address and handling the routing of emails. So, when you tinker with nameservers, you’re essentially tweaking the backbone that holds your online presence together.

5. MX records

Imagine the MX record as the virtual postal guide in the intricate world of DNS. This Mail Exchange (MX) record is a linchpin that dictates the journey of your emails. In simple terms, it unveils the designated path for emails destined for your domain.

So, when someone sends an email to your domain, the MX record steps up. It’s the signpost directing the email to its rightful destination—the mail server. Essentially, the MX record ensures that your emails don’t wander aimlessly but instead find their way to the specific server designated to handle them.

Use of MX record

The Mail Exchange (MX) record serves as the architect of efficient email delivery. This DNS record type precisely guides the route of emails for a domain, ensuring they reach the designated mail server seamlessly.

Utilizing an MX record offers the strategic advantage of directing emails to a specialized email server. Consider the scenario where the intricacies of establishing webmail on a self-owned server are delegated to a proficient email service provider. This strategic move entails several benefits, including the provision of bespoke email clients for seamless communication, coupled with heightened security features and robust spam filters.

Other DNS record types

Beyond the five DNS record types elucidated earlier, here are various additional record types that merit consideration:

  1. SOA Record (Start of Authority): This pivotal DNS record type encapsulates crucial administrative details pertaining to a domain. Among these details are the domain administrator’s email address and the timestamp of the domain’s last update.
  2. TXT Record (Text): Within the DNS framework, the TXT record type allows the domain owner to store textual values. Numerous services leverage this record for the validation of domain ownership.
  3. PTR Record (Pointer): In the realm of DNS, the PTR record furnishes a domain name for reverse lookup. Divergent from an A record, it associates the domain name with an IP address instead of providing the IP address for a domain.
  4. SRV Record (Service): Employing this DNS record type facilitates the storage of IP addresses and ports specific to various services.
  5. CERT Record (Certificate): This record type serves as a repository for public key certificates.
  6. DCHID Record (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Identifier): This DNS record type contains pertinent information associated with the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP).
  7. DNAME Record (Delegation Name): The acronym DNAME, denoting “delegation name,” operates in a manner akin to CNAME. However, it directs all subdomains for the alias towards the canonical domain name.


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Marianne elanotta

Marianne is a graduate in communication technologies and enjoys sharing the latest technological advances across various fields. Her programming skills include Java OO and Javascript, and she prefers working on open-source operating systems. In her free time, she enjoys playing chess and computer games with her two children.

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