Anaconda navigator not opening on Windows 10

You have already installed Anaconda on Window 10 and you can see it in your programs and features list. Now you would like to launch it. You start looking up if there is any Anaconda Navigator desktop icon but to no avail.

Press CTRL+ALT+T to open up a terminal window and run the command:


Read: How to fix error : Conda command not found

Anaconda navigator won’t launch

Sometimes you will face the issue in which the Anaconda navigator will not be able to start.

In order to solve this, make sure to move into the scripts directory C:\Anaconda\Scripts.

Now type in the commands below :

activate root

conda update -n root conda

conda update –all

finally, to launch it, run the following command :


You may want to refer to the official documentation here.

Read: How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu 22.04 

How to fix the error: there is an instance of Anaconda Navigator already running

On Windows

To resolve the error “there is an instance of Anaconda Navigator already running” on Windows, one solution is to locate and terminate the ‘pythonw’ process that is causing the issue. This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt window with administrator privileges.
  2. Use the command “tasklist | findstr “pythonw”” to locate the process ID (pid) of the ‘pythonw’ process.
  3. Use the command “taskkill /f /pid <pid>” to terminate the identified process. This should resolve the issue and allow you to successfully launch Anaconda Navigator.

On Ubuntu 

the solution is to first use the command “killall Anaconda-Navigator” in the anaconda prompt to end the current running instance. Then, use the command “anaconda-navigator –reset” to reset the navigator and launch a new instance.

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Nikolaus Oosterhof

Nikolaus holds a degree in software development and has a strong passion for all things tech-related, especially gadgets with screens. Though he is nostalgic for older phone models, he's a retired gamer and continues to enjoy programming in open-source environments. Additionally, Nikolaus enjoys writing about Linux, macOS and Windows and has experience designing web pages.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. moon

    Worked! Just wanted to point a small typo in: `conda update –all`
    Should be conda update –all

    1. moon

      * ‘conda update all
      oh. i guess it’s a bug in wordpress where two hyphens turn up as an endash. Sorry Nikolaus

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