How to install Sunflower file manager on Ubuntu 20.04

If you like to organize folders in a quick and intuitive manner on Ubuntu 20.04, Sunflower can be the right tool for you. In this short tutorial you will learn how to install Sunflower on Ubuntu 20.04 and similar distros.

Sunflower installation

Open up your terminal and run the command below in order to download the .deb package :

wget -c -O sunflower.deb

Next, let’s start the installation process. Invoke the command below :

sudo dpkg -i sunflower.deb      [sunflower linux installation command]

Once this is completed, you may want to check if the newly installed package needs any dependency. For that, run the command below:

sudo apt-get install -f

Sunflower uninstallation

To remove Sunflower, run the command below :

sudo apt-get remove sunflower

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Marianne elanotta

Marianne is a graduate in communication technologies and enjoys sharing the latest technological advances across various fields. Her programming skills include Java OO and Javascript, and she prefers working on open-source operating systems. In her free time, she enjoys playing chess and computer games with her two children.

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