Text Polls In Action: How text customer surveys help businesses

Modern customers are becoming more social and mobile, and their attention is increasingly difficult to hold. They are literally flooded with advertising and one of the main challenges for brands is to break through this information noise and communicate with the buyer in an effective way.

Despite their respectable age, text messages remain a very reliable channel of communication with customers, providing instant delivery and an impressive opening rate of 98%!

Text polls are used to obtain additional information from customers, conduct SMS voting, promotions or testing. Find out the customer’s preferences, segment the database and further use this information to offer customers what they are interested in by using such an instrument as SMS surveys.

These are pretty good reasons to use this instrument to grow your audience and to increase customer loyalty. In this article you’ll get the evidence of how useful it is for businesses.

What are the advantages of text polls for brands?

Text customer surveys are more than just a marketing tool. As correspondence is gradually replacing calls as a new standard of communication, text messages are becoming a relevant solution for customers who do not understand social networks (or simply do not have a smartphone) and for brands looking to optimize their costs while improving the satisfaction index customers.

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Many brands already use text messaging to send notifications, reminders or to exchange other important info, and because the SMS dialog is similar to live chat, brands are to use it to their advantage. Let’s see how:

  • By using surveys in messages, you can get all the necessary information from clients, which helps optimize your business and make it even more user-friendly;
  • The results of customer surveys give you an opportunity to reverse the developed marketing scenario and point you to possible shortcomings that need to be addressed in the promotion campaign;
  • By learning the feedback of your customers, you may increase their loyalty and demonstrate their value to your company;
  • SMS short numbers allow for two-way contact, which gives your business another opportunity to better the quality of customer service. And this is crucial to increase loyalty.

Consumers themselves want to communicate with companies through text messages. According to the SMS Marketing report 2021 from “eMarketer” research company, 43% of consumers in the US would prefer to send text messages to businesses proactively.

Who is it for?

Absolutely all businesses and companies, as well as non-profit organizations, conduct SMS polls, and polls among their clients. Let’s imagine how easily event planners will be able to get the audience’s views on various competitions, venues, dishes, and, for example, the list of invited celebrities. In the same way, restaurant owners will receive quality information about the tastes of their customers through surveys and will be able to cook only those dishes that will be ordered by their visitors.

Small business owners will learn clients’ opinions about their products and services and will be able to get feedback on ways to improve the quality of service. For instance, online stores can conduct text polls of their customers and find out which group of goods they would like to receive a discount.

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Fundamental advantages over other types of text polls and collecting opinions

We propose to consider the advantages of SMS surveys over paper questionnaires. Paper questionnaires can be lost, and messages are always stored in your database. When calculating the results of paper questionnaires, you can calculate what will never happen with the automatic calculation of mobile messages. Also, processing text polls and votes do not require a large number of employees. You also don’t need extra people to hand out and collect questionnaires.

Let’s not forget about the accessibility of respondents. It is much easier and faster for customers to respond to a message than to fill out a text document. You will be able to attract your potential customers to take part in the survey anywhere: in transport, on the street, at work, or at home. To maximize audience reach, polls can be placed on billboards or any other advertising space.

Tips on how to increase customer loyalty

  • Keep your hand on your pulse with surveys

By tracking clients’ levels of satisfaction, you monitor the quality of the products and services you provide. Survey results obtained at the time (or shortly after) product delivery or service delivery provide brands with the tips they need to maintain impeccable quality.

Using SMS short numbers, you can conduct surveys and collect feedback on what your customers like and what can be improved. In the future, you can focus on those customers who have made such contact. They are the best candidates for the role of brand lawyers and an excellent source of useful insights.

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Individual campaigns and offers aimed at such customers will help to spread positive feedback in their immediate environment and receive even more detailed feedback. However, the main task for the brand is to apply this knowledge in practice.

  • Combine surveys with transactional messages

Text messaging is a popular channel for delivering transactional messages that inform users about account changes, order status, or provide manuals. You can inspire confidence in customers through transactional messages.

An important application of transactional messages is reminders and warnings. Combine reminders with a request to answer questions and get a lot of feedback. Reminders sent at a given time can be useful for both the brand and its customers. After receiving a reminder of a meeting or recording in an SMS, the customer is satisfied with the care, and your sales grow.

Moreover, timed messages can be very useful for customers when they need your services on a regular basis, such as when they need to replenish medicines or supplies from time to time. Caring for the customers stimulates them to help the business become better.

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How to get the most out of text polls

As you can see, when used properly, text polls are an extremely reliable and versatile tool for interacting with consumers.

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By conducting such SMS surveys, you will engage your entire audience, get customer feedback and be able to apply it to your business to improve it. You can organize SMS surveys of your customers using tons of modern services, the thing is to find a reliable one. It should also be cost-effective and efficient.

Text polls work better with services that can be trusted.

If you still need more detailed information on the implementation of the text polls, you can visit the page:  ​​https://smartercontact.com/blog/how-to-use-text-polls-to-grow-your-audience/

Do you conduct SMS surveys of your clients? What are you waiting for?





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