How To Create A Dictionary In Python

In Python, a dictionary is an apparently random set of data values that may be used to store data values in the manner of a map. Unlike other data types, which can only store a single value as an element, dictionaries retain Key:value pairs instead of (more…)

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How To Check Python Version

When users download Python, an interpreter is downloaded along with it. This indicates that you are “teaching” your machine, in a sense, how to comprehend Python code. Given all of this, it should be no surprise that Python isn’t a piece of software (more…)

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How can I learn coding

Whatever your goals are in coding, it is important to start building a solid foundation. It might look similar to a college course. If with some courses you can get help from your friend and sources such as custom assignment writing, it is important  (more…)

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JavaScript is the best programming language for beginners: Is it true or not

NOTE: The actual contents and opinions are the sole views of the author who maintains editorial independence.Coding is a skill that is important to learn in this day and age. According to Oracle & Burning Glass, the IT industry is growing 50% faster than the rest of the job (more…)

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