How to open a corrupt or unreadable Word file
Having trouble opening a Word document? The file is probably corrupted. Not to worry as there are several solutions to fix damaged or unreadable .doc or .docx files. (more…)
Having trouble opening a Word document? The file is probably corrupted. Not to worry as there are several solutions to fix damaged or unreadable .doc or .docx files. (more…)
Updated on 8/1/2023 – PowerShell is a tool for issuing commands to an operating system, either through a command line interface or by writing scripts. One benefit of using a command line shell is increased productivity, as a single command can accomplish a (more…)
Managing disk space can be a problem for many users. Not everyone has access to larger storage and therefore they need to take very tight control of the space occupied. (more…)
In this article, you will learn how to find and delete duplicate photos in Windows 10. You will be able to find the images that may you have saved in different locations and delete their copies. (more…)
Anyone surfing the Internet unprotected with their Windows PC can quickly catch a virus or Trojan. There are many ways to protect your computer against (more…)
By James Burns – You have finally finished your video project and it’s time to upload it to your cloud storage for safekeeping. Don’t you hate it when it takes ages to upload the file? As technology gets more and more refined, we as human beings, (more…)
You don’t have to be a programmer to have to deal with environment variables in some case . It may be, for example, that when installing or configuring a Windows program you have come (more…)
SMS has lost its luster in recent years, overtaken by ever more practical and feature-rich instant messaging applications. Despite the convenience of instant messaging, SMS still plays an (more…)
By Sophia Kaile – Microsoft Windows operating system has evolved a lot in the past few years and came up with a lot of advanced features and utilities. Microsoft Windows Update utility has done great to install all the latest updates, bug fixes, (more…)
Last updated on Jan 11th, 2022 – There are always unexpected computer problems that require the previous data to be restored, be it damage to the hard disk, a failed update of the operating system or after a virus attack. (more…)